Four Exercises to Get You Ready for Your Next Trip

You’ve planned the big trip. Culture and nature await. To get to your destination, you’ll carry suitcases onto the plane or train and hoist them to overhead compartments. After you arrive, you’ll duck under ropes in front of museums or crouch under low-lying branches. You’ll climb stairs in medieval cathedrals or step over logs in ancient forests. Here are a few exercises to add to your workout to get you ready for the time of your life.

  1. Farmers carry

Travelers always carry stuff. Suitcases, bags full of souvenirs, small kids. Here’s a great exercise to strengthen the shoulders, arms, back, legs, and core.

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart with a dumbbell or kettlebell (or suitcase, why not?) to the side of one foot.

  2. Bend your knees and lower into a squat position with your trunk up and weight evenly distributed across your feet. 

  3. Grip the weight, squeeze your glutes, draw in your navel, roll your shoulders back, and keep your head up. 

  4. Keeping your torso up, look forward, and push the ground away to stand.

  5. Here’s the main part of the exercise. Walk slowly for twenty feet without leaning back or over to one side. Repeat holding the weight with the other hand.

    2. Deadlift to curl to OH press

You’ve made it through security and onto the plane. Now it’s time to get your suitcase into the overhead bin. Thank goodness you trained for this.

  1. Stand with your feet directly under your hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

  2. Push your butt back as you bend your knees, squatting down as far as you're comfortable. Keep your back straight, not curved or arched. Keep your torso and head up.

  3. Push through your heels to return to standing while performing a bicep curl, bringing the weights to your shoulders.

  4. Draw your navel in and keep your arms moving upward, performing an overhead press with the palms facing out.

  5. Slowly lower your arms back to your side to complete one repetition.

Complete 10 repetitions.

3. Lateral Duck Under

Don’t be surprised if you have to duck. Does that rope in front of the museum serve any real purpose? Just duck under. That low-lying tree limb isn’t going anywhere soon. You’ll have to duck under. 

  1. Imagine a bar that is just above waist height. Stand with your left side next to the imaginary bar.

  2. Squat down and take a big step under the imaginary bar with your left leg. Plant your left foot on the opposite side of the imaginary bar and switch weight onto that foot while squatting under the bar. Keep your butt back and your torso up.

  3. Next, bring your right foot over to your left foot and stand up. This completes one rep. Reverse the movement toward the opposite side.

Complete ten repetitions to each side.

4. Step ups to knee lift

Stairs in medieval cathedrals or ascents in ancient forests elevate us physically and spiritually. Here’s an exercise to help you reach new heights.

  1. Position your right foot on a step.

  2. Step up with your left leg, and without touching the step with your left foot, lift your knee towards your chest.

  3. Step straight back down again with your left foot and then your right foot.

  4. Do the same motion positioning your left foot on the step.

Complete ten repetitions on each foot.

Add these exercises to your regular workout to be ready for whatever comes your way. Enjoy your journey!